Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Meditation for Weight Loss

Can meditation help you lose weight? Yes! While meditating in itself is quite relaxing and does not burn a lot of calories, just 5 minutes a day can make the difference in your program between failure and success.'

Think of meditation is as an exercise for your brain, and when you train your "mental muscles" you will be able to align your thoughts with your fitness goals. My favorite way to meditate is to listen to a prerecorded tape that guides my thoughts. Sometimes my goal is just to relax and let go of tension, but usually I pick a certain topic and spend a few minutes concentrating on that concept.

For example, today I meditated on patience. In just a few minutes I was able to think about how I could apply patience in my day. To be patient with my finger injury, to be patient with my father, to be patient with my wife, and to be patient with my exercise video. Having "worked out" my mental muscles, I feel much better and empowered. I feel so good I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. Sticking to my meal plan and exercise program become much easier with a calm and centered mind.

Visit www.RichRoe.com for other fitness tips.

May you be enriched

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