Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Easy Toning Program for Home

Here is a quick and easy program you can do at home to tone your muscles, strengthen your core, and burn fat. Do 15 repetitions of each exercise in the circuit, then repeat the circuit. This will be a total of 18 sets a takes about 10 minutes.

Circuit 1: Plie squats, Rear Lunges (alternate legs), Lateral Raise
Circuit 2: Push Ups, Side Plank, Abduction (side leg raise)
Circuit 3: Crunches, Bike Sit Ups, Supermans

Best to do after a warm up of at least 5 minutes, and followed by some stretches. Total workout still less than 20 minutes. Do this 2-3 days a week on non-consecutive days (ex. M/W/F) and your body will thank you.

May you be enriched!

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