Saturday, February 21, 2009

World Human Spirit Day

Tuesday 2/17/09 at noon Pacific Time, celebrate World Human Spirit Day with me. Join people from around the world by sitting in silent meditation for 2 minutes. Use that time to connect with other humans who share a common goal of global unity. See for more info.

I usually meditate alone, and on the occasions I have had the chance to do a group meditation I have felt a powerful energy. I do not fully understand how it really works, but I do feel that our thoughts are things. When a group of people generate a similar thought, the collective effort can create incredible changes. While I don’t fully buy into the concepts from “The Secret” and the “Law of Attraction” that what we say, think and feel will create a certain outcome as surely as the Law of Gravity will cause and object to fall, I do feel we can steer our lives with our brains. So if you at all feel the same, send out some positive vibes next Tuesday and let’s create a great world to live in

Who Says You Can’t Choose Your Parents?

We are products of our parents and our genetic make-up is predetermined-or is it? Dr. Dean Ornish, in his book The Spectrum, has determined through his research “that you can actually change how your genes are expressed just by changing what you eat and how you live”. So for those of us that are predisposed to certain health risks, we can “turn off” those bad genes and “turn on” our disease preventing genes. Dean goes on to say that the more changes you make, the more your genes will adapt. This is an incredible scientific breakthrough that really empowers us to have the health we choose, regardless of how our parents made us. BTW, the changes Dean promoted were exercise, healthy eating and meditation.

Almost Vegetarian

The less I eat meat, the less I want to eat meat. Last night I cooked a classic dinner: grilled tri-tip, baked potato and steamed veggies (broccoli, squash and asparagus). I eat some kind of animal/fish product about once or twice a month, usually chicken or ahi tuna, so the red meat was a shock to my system.

This morning I was attempting to do my version of a triathlon: 4-mile MBT walk, 20 minutes of Yoga and 5 minutes of meditation. This routine sets my day up for success and happiness. But just a few minutes into my Yoga my stomach was in turmoil and I stopped. My body has been so used to easy-to-digest vegetables that it nearly seized up trying to process the chunk of meat.
In my year-long experience eating mostly-vegetarian, here are some of the changes I have noticed:

-I sleep better
-My digestive system works more smoothly
-I am leaner
-I have more energy
-I feel better about my commitment to the environment
-I appreciate my food more
Consider making a few vegetarian dinners each week and see how well you sleep and how good you feel in the morning.

May You be EnRiched

Abs to Zen

Look great and feel great, that’s my philosophy. Getting clients to workout for an hour to improve their bodies is easy. Getting them to sit on a cushion for 5 minutes and meditate is not as easy. Most of us spend a lot of time to look great and do not understand the link between our mental health and physical health. The best form of mental training is meditation. Meditation is misunderstood AND underestimated and here is my sales pitch to get you motivated to try this wonderful practice.

In his latest book The Spectrum, Dr. Dean Ornish has scientific evidence to prove that when “you change your lifestyle, you change your genes.” Whoah. We all have a set of genes we are born with, and the choices we make can turn on our disease preventing genes and turn off our disease promoting genes. A key component in his program utilizes meditation as a way to manage stress. Stress left unchecked can ”suppress your immune system, cause heart attack or stroke, increase your risk of cancer, delay wound healing, promote inflammation, cause you to gain weight, impair your memory, cause depression, exacerbate diabetes, and worsen your sexual function.” Yikes.

MEDITATING JUST 5+ MINUTES A DAY HAS CAUSED THE MOST DRAMATIC SHIFT IN MY WELL-BEING SINCE QUITTING ALCOHOL 15 YEARS AGO. I started meditating about 3 years ago and my life is so much better on account of it. You too can improve your life. Right now, at the end of this sentence, just close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths.

Congratulations, you just began your meditation practice:) Try for 10 breaths tomorrow. Consistency is more important than total time so stick with it for a month and see how you feel.

May You be EnRiched

The Early Bird Gets the Burn!

People always ask me, “when is the best time of day to work out?” I recommend getting your exercise done in the morning. Not because of bio-rhythms or increased fat burning, but for the simple reason that you get it done.

Today was a perfect example of why I prefer to train in the morning. I was invited by one of my clients to go boating from 9:15-3. I thought maybe I’d hit the gym when we were done, but with a large group going I was not completely in charge of how the day would play out. So my girlfriend and I got up at 6:45 AM, got on our warm clothes and hopped on our bikes. The sun had just come up and the full moon was setting over Malibu. What a way to get going!

We biked for 90 minutes and had time to change and meet our friends at 9:15 AM. As anticipated, our 20-person group was a bit slow to organize and we did not motor out to sea until after 11. No worries for us, we had already taken care of our health needs. BTW, we also planned ahead with some fruits and healthy snacks to help offset the piles of cheese and other caloric finger food our hosts offered.

Our minds were free to enjoy the day, whale watch, hang with our friends and not have that nagging reminder in the back of our heads that we still had stuff to do. Healthy bodies and clear heads, that’s the winning combination!

Obliquatory Training

Abs, Abs, Abs have always stolen the spotlight in core training. Sure, the abs play a role in keeping your midsection tight and if you get super ripped they can double as a washboard:) Here's your trivia question: what other core muscle does more work on your torso and plays a greater role in performance? Your obliques. You have 2 sets, internal and external obliques. They handle your handles on the sides of your midsection. When you twist, bend to the side and crunch you are engaging these valuable muscles. So here are a few exercises to add to your ab program. BTW, explaining how to do an exercise without a picture is nearly impossible so you might be better off googling any exercise that is unfamiliar to you:)

Bicycle sit-ups: from your back, lift your legs into a position as if you were in a chair. Clasp your hands behind your neck, crunch, and simultaneously swivel your right elbow and tuck in your right knee toward each other. 15-25 reps should be enough for a serious burn!

Standing Side Flexion: A classic exercise. From standing with soft knees, grab a light weight in your right hand and bend sideways, sliding your right hand down your right leg. Come up and go beyond straight and bend left with the weight. Repeat 15 times then do the same on the left side.

Woodchops: Do this in your MBTs for more benefit! Grab a light weight or medicine ball, spread your legs a bit wider than your shoulders with a slight bend in your legs. Take the medicine ball down to toward your left foot, then up and across your body toward the sky, so that your hands are now in the air lined up over your right foot. Take it slow-form is key to do this exercise safely.

When you see the results you will understand why I consider these exercises OBLIQUATORY!!!

Resolutions that WORK

A year is a long time to commit to anything, especially a new behavioral change. This year consider 12 monthly resolutions instead. Pick a theme for the year, like “pushing your comfort zone” or “new types of exercise” or “mini fitness challenges”. Then each month create a resolution that goes with your theme.

I love this style of resolution because it allows you to experiment with a variety of new ideas and see what works for you. Health and happiness are a result of many small, daily choices. Take control of your life one step at a time. Here is a sample, enjoy:)

Yearly theme-Mini Wellness Challenges

January-walk 25 times

February-become a vegetarian for the month

March-attend a meditation workshop

April-try a new fitness class/video twice a week

May-chart all your food on a log for a week

June-read 2 health-related books

July-enter a 10k walk/race

August-plan an active family vacation

September-stretch every day

October-abstain from alcohol

November-eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day

December-Host a holiday party with only healthy food choices

Dial in your Energy Levels

How do you get more energy but not end up like Richard Simmons on crack? Do you have the ability to stay reved up when you need to then turn it off for a good night’s sleep? I’m going to write a book on the subject and until then here are a few snippets to try:

Stop frying your system. All those “energy drinks” like Rock Star and Monster do not work. They pump you full of drugs which destroy your body’s ability to tap into its own natural energy stores of hormones. Consider limiting or eliminating all stimulants, including coffee!

Avoid energy vampires. Who or what in your life zaps you? Make a change today! Don’t answer that email, politely hang up the phone, walk away and preserve your energy for better uses later.

Learn how to stop your monkey mind. Your brain is the control center regulating your energy levels. We all have tons of energy inside each of us, we just need to be able to control the flow. The single best tool in my energy arsenal is meditation. Especially for those of you that think “there’s no way I can do it”, yes you can. I meditate 5+ minutes a day most days of the week, that’s all. Just 30 minutes a week can dramatically change your life. Most people think those who meditate as monks in caves. Think again. Meditation allows you to clear out the clutter, clear a space and focus your attention on what is important. Then when your day is done and it’s time to go to bed, you know how to turn off your brain and rest up for another great day:)

Plump now, Pay Later

Before you stuff that last bit of pie into your already full stomach, put the fork down for a minute. That one bite makes a difference. That scrumptious morsel might taste good in your mouth and satisfy some temporary craving, I get that. But consider the cost. Eating more than your body needs is similar to spending more money than you have. The extra calories weigh you down like bad debt.

Now you are left with 2 choices: maintain the excess baggage or settle up. Maintaining too much excess fat slows you down, decreases your life span, decreases your quality of life, sets a poor example for your family, increases medical costs decreases your energy levels… The other option is to settle up by burning off those extra calories. Each 200 extra calories will mean about 30 more minutes of working out just to get back to your starting point!

Save yourself a ton of hardship and take the most effective action to solve the problem, keep the fork on the table. That single action is very powerful, and when you add up all your little choices the results will be incredible!

10 Healthy Holiday Gifts

Each year we give the people we care about something special. Instead of adding to their waistlines and increasing their risk of diabetes, how about supporting their desire to be healthier. This year try one of these gifts, approved by your Certified MBT trainer Rich Roe:)

1- A 1-hour massage
2- Yoga mat and DVD
3- Skateboard and helmet
4- Jump rope
5- Edible fruit basket
6- Pedometer with an inspiring calendar to track progress
7- New pair of MBT’s and socks
8- Ipod Shuffle and comfortable headphones
9- Magazine subscription to Shape, Men’s Health…
10- Gift Certificate for 3 personal training sessions

While you’re in the spirit, treat yourself too:)

Full Belly?

Most of my clients appreciate when I share with them my human side. Yesterday I stuffed myself! Pie, gravy, artichoke dip… As soon as a bit of food was digested, I’d pack another morsel in. Thanksgiving is a great time for me and I love the family and food aspects. This year I have been eating mostly vegetarian and was wondering whether I’d eat turkey or not. Since January I have had 2 chicken dishes, 3 hamburgers, 3 sushi dinners and homemade turkey meatballs once. So decided to eat a little bit of everything and just have fun:)

In preparation of the massive intake of calories, Thanksgiving morning I went to Sand Dune Park for 45 minutes of lung-busting and thigh-burning madness, followed by 3 games of beach volleyball. The day after Thanksgiving I went for a 4-hour hike in the mountains. So even though I ate a ton of mostly unhealthy food, I was able to find some balance to make it work for my overall fitness plan.

That’s my story, what’s yours?

Ready for the Slopes?

I'm going to book my first snow vacation for the season. This trip I'm going to piggyback on my stepfather's Heli-boarding trip! I always like my body to be ready for such a different type of workout so I can make the most of my time on the slopes.

For downhill skiing and snowboarding the keys are strong legs and lungs. Here is a quick home program you can do 3 times a week that can help you get ready:

Circuit 1 (done with minimal rest between exercises):
Body weight squats x 15 reps
Wall sit x 30-120 seconds (depending on your abiility)
15 squat thrusts/Burpees
rest, repeat all 3 exercises

Circuit 2:
Walking Lunges x 15
Dead Lifts x 15
Lateral hops x 20(see for a description)
rest, repeat all 3 exercises

Circuit 3:
Bicycle sit-ups x 25 each side,
Push-ups x max (ok, it's not really super ski-specific but it's a great exercise for many other reasons:)
Mountain climbers x 30 seconds
rest, repeat all 3 exercises.

Finish with a 5+ minute stretch. Some of these exercises may be new to you and you may have to poke around online to find them. I am in the process of putting together some mini videos that will make following these types of programs easier. This 20-minute program is a great time investment for your trip. See you on the slopes!

Walk. Talk. Connect.

I'm feeling great today! My girlfriend and I have been on morning walks 2 consecutive mornings with our MBTs. We walk along the strand in Hermosa Beach up to the Manhattan Beach Pier and back, about 4 miles. Not only are we getting great exercise that is easy on the joints, we use this time to catch up, plan our trips, make weekend arrangements and stay connected.

For our relationship our walking is quality time that we value. Without the distraction of a tv, movie, food, etc. we get to enjoy each other's company on a very personal way. We also do harder activities together, but we are so focused on the intensity of the workout that we cannot really chat. Walking is the perfect level of intensity, one that gets your body moving and allows for you to engage with your partner. And you don't have to push it. You can get the same calorie burning effects from a slow walk-it will just take you a little longer. So strap on your MBTs and get walking!

Personal Health Care Reform

Health care reform is a big topic in the news. We only get to vote once every 4 years for a new president. Regardless of who is in charge and what political changes occur, taking care of your own health is your number one priority. Your body NEEDS regular exercise and healthy food to function properly. The Surgeon General suggests accumulating 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise all or most days of the week. He means today.

Did you know that inactivity is more dangerous to your health than smoking?

By not exercising it's similar to starting a smoking habit, something most non-smokers would consider insane. But not moving has the same risks, so inactivity is just as crazy! So get out there and create your own personal health care reform.

Skip the Sweets

Halloween is associated with dressing up and eating candy. How much junk food will you put in your body this week? Try NONE and see how much better you feel afterward.

This celebration often marks the beginning of the holiday season: eat, drink and be merry. I’m all for being merry and enjoying myself, but not at the expense of my health. How about eating in moderation, exercising and being merry? Each choice you make has an effect and after many small choices the results manifest in your body.

Choose wisely!

Let it Snow

Each night until about Christmas, we lose a minute of sunlight. Animals start to fatten up to insulate themselves from the cold and store extra calories for fuel. Don't be an animal! This is not the time to hibernate. The end of the fun in the sun means the beginning of fun in the snow!

What do I do? As the season starts to change, so does my program. Time to get ready for snowboarding! First, I add some intervals that get my heart rate cranking. Squat thrusts, step ups and hill repeats are great for simulating the heart-pounding demands on the slopes. I also add more strength training to condition my legs and core for some serious shredding. MBTs add to my program by strengthening my knees and back and fine tuning my stabilizer muscles. When my lungs and thighs are burning, I remind myself that I'd rather feel the burn here so that I can enjoy my vacations to the fullest:)

Save Money, Burn Calories

Lots of people are complaining about the economy, which is a global issue right now. Often you may not have direct control over some of the events that will have an impact on your financial situation. When it comes to your body and health however, you are in complete control of your destiny.

I see a complete paradox in our American society: not enough money in the bank and too much food stored in our bellies. Remember what John Belushi said in Animal House, "fat, drunk and stupid is now way to go through college". Well I am here to tell Americans that "fat and broke is no way to go through life"!

What you choose to eat and how much is 100% your decision. Often healthy food like vegetables, fruit and grains are inexpensive and nutritious. To save a little more money, EAT LESS! Stored fat is a reserve of energy, now is a great time to use some of those extra calories.

Get off your BUTT!

People hire me to get them results that they have not been able to attain on their own. I have heard every excuse possible.

My favorite is I don't have the time.

Do you really want me to believe that. Tell those lies to your friends and they might agree with you. I'm going to call you out. We all have 24 hours a day and we CHOOSE how to live them. You can choose not to exercise, fine, but don't lie to yourself and tell me you don't have the time.

I got home from and MBT business trip last night and arrived at my house after 10 PM. At 6:15 AM I was training a client and 7:15 cranked out my workout. Instead of getting a ride back home I chose to walk home 30 minutes. I even snuck in a 5-minute meditation. Was it easy, no. I conjured up a bunch of reasons to skip training today and they sounded pretty good. A healthy lifestyle is made up of a lot of little choices every day.

Reasons or Results, you make the choice.