Saturday, February 21, 2009

Resolutions that WORK

A year is a long time to commit to anything, especially a new behavioral change. This year consider 12 monthly resolutions instead. Pick a theme for the year, like “pushing your comfort zone” or “new types of exercise” or “mini fitness challenges”. Then each month create a resolution that goes with your theme.

I love this style of resolution because it allows you to experiment with a variety of new ideas and see what works for you. Health and happiness are a result of many small, daily choices. Take control of your life one step at a time. Here is a sample, enjoy:)

Yearly theme-Mini Wellness Challenges

January-walk 25 times

February-become a vegetarian for the month

March-attend a meditation workshop

April-try a new fitness class/video twice a week

May-chart all your food on a log for a week

June-read 2 health-related books

July-enter a 10k walk/race

August-plan an active family vacation

September-stretch every day

October-abstain from alcohol

November-eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day

December-Host a holiday party with only healthy food choices

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