Saturday, February 21, 2009

Get off your BUTT!

People hire me to get them results that they have not been able to attain on their own. I have heard every excuse possible.

My favorite is I don't have the time.

Do you really want me to believe that. Tell those lies to your friends and they might agree with you. I'm going to call you out. We all have 24 hours a day and we CHOOSE how to live them. You can choose not to exercise, fine, but don't lie to yourself and tell me you don't have the time.

I got home from and MBT business trip last night and arrived at my house after 10 PM. At 6:15 AM I was training a client and 7:15 cranked out my workout. Instead of getting a ride back home I chose to walk home 30 minutes. I even snuck in a 5-minute meditation. Was it easy, no. I conjured up a bunch of reasons to skip training today and they sounded pretty good. A healthy lifestyle is made up of a lot of little choices every day.

Reasons or Results, you make the choice.

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