Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dial in your Energy Levels

How do you get more energy but not end up like Richard Simmons on crack? Do you have the ability to stay reved up when you need to then turn it off for a good night’s sleep? I’m going to write a book on the subject and until then here are a few snippets to try:

Stop frying your system. All those “energy drinks” like Rock Star and Monster do not work. They pump you full of drugs which destroy your body’s ability to tap into its own natural energy stores of hormones. Consider limiting or eliminating all stimulants, including coffee!

Avoid energy vampires. Who or what in your life zaps you? Make a change today! Don’t answer that email, politely hang up the phone, walk away and preserve your energy for better uses later.

Learn how to stop your monkey mind. Your brain is the control center regulating your energy levels. We all have tons of energy inside each of us, we just need to be able to control the flow. The single best tool in my energy arsenal is meditation. Especially for those of you that think “there’s no way I can do it”, yes you can. I meditate 5+ minutes a day most days of the week, that’s all. Just 30 minutes a week can dramatically change your life. Most people think those who meditate as monks in caves. Think again. Meditation allows you to clear out the clutter, clear a space and focus your attention on what is important. Then when your day is done and it’s time to go to bed, you know how to turn off your brain and rest up for another great day:)

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