Saturday, February 21, 2009

Abs to Zen

Look great and feel great, that’s my philosophy. Getting clients to workout for an hour to improve their bodies is easy. Getting them to sit on a cushion for 5 minutes and meditate is not as easy. Most of us spend a lot of time to look great and do not understand the link between our mental health and physical health. The best form of mental training is meditation. Meditation is misunderstood AND underestimated and here is my sales pitch to get you motivated to try this wonderful practice.

In his latest book The Spectrum, Dr. Dean Ornish has scientific evidence to prove that when “you change your lifestyle, you change your genes.” Whoah. We all have a set of genes we are born with, and the choices we make can turn on our disease preventing genes and turn off our disease promoting genes. A key component in his program utilizes meditation as a way to manage stress. Stress left unchecked can ”suppress your immune system, cause heart attack or stroke, increase your risk of cancer, delay wound healing, promote inflammation, cause you to gain weight, impair your memory, cause depression, exacerbate diabetes, and worsen your sexual function.” Yikes.

MEDITATING JUST 5+ MINUTES A DAY HAS CAUSED THE MOST DRAMATIC SHIFT IN MY WELL-BEING SINCE QUITTING ALCOHOL 15 YEARS AGO. I started meditating about 3 years ago and my life is so much better on account of it. You too can improve your life. Right now, at the end of this sentence, just close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths.

Congratulations, you just began your meditation practice:) Try for 10 breaths tomorrow. Consistency is more important than total time so stick with it for a month and see how you feel.

May You be EnRiched

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