Saturday, February 21, 2009

Full Belly?

Most of my clients appreciate when I share with them my human side. Yesterday I stuffed myself! Pie, gravy, artichoke dip… As soon as a bit of food was digested, I’d pack another morsel in. Thanksgiving is a great time for me and I love the family and food aspects. This year I have been eating mostly vegetarian and was wondering whether I’d eat turkey or not. Since January I have had 2 chicken dishes, 3 hamburgers, 3 sushi dinners and homemade turkey meatballs once. So decided to eat a little bit of everything and just have fun:)

In preparation of the massive intake of calories, Thanksgiving morning I went to Sand Dune Park for 45 minutes of lung-busting and thigh-burning madness, followed by 3 games of beach volleyball. The day after Thanksgiving I went for a 4-hour hike in the mountains. So even though I ate a ton of mostly unhealthy food, I was able to find some balance to make it work for my overall fitness plan.

That’s my story, what’s yours?

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