Saturday, February 21, 2009

Plump now, Pay Later

Before you stuff that last bit of pie into your already full stomach, put the fork down for a minute. That one bite makes a difference. That scrumptious morsel might taste good in your mouth and satisfy some temporary craving, I get that. But consider the cost. Eating more than your body needs is similar to spending more money than you have. The extra calories weigh you down like bad debt.

Now you are left with 2 choices: maintain the excess baggage or settle up. Maintaining too much excess fat slows you down, decreases your life span, decreases your quality of life, sets a poor example for your family, increases medical costs decreases your energy levels… The other option is to settle up by burning off those extra calories. Each 200 extra calories will mean about 30 more minutes of working out just to get back to your starting point!

Save yourself a ton of hardship and take the most effective action to solve the problem, keep the fork on the table. That single action is very powerful, and when you add up all your little choices the results will be incredible!

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