Saturday, February 21, 2009

Almost Vegetarian

The less I eat meat, the less I want to eat meat. Last night I cooked a classic dinner: grilled tri-tip, baked potato and steamed veggies (broccoli, squash and asparagus). I eat some kind of animal/fish product about once or twice a month, usually chicken or ahi tuna, so the red meat was a shock to my system.

This morning I was attempting to do my version of a triathlon: 4-mile MBT walk, 20 minutes of Yoga and 5 minutes of meditation. This routine sets my day up for success and happiness. But just a few minutes into my Yoga my stomach was in turmoil and I stopped. My body has been so used to easy-to-digest vegetables that it nearly seized up trying to process the chunk of meat.
In my year-long experience eating mostly-vegetarian, here are some of the changes I have noticed:

-I sleep better
-My digestive system works more smoothly
-I am leaner
-I have more energy
-I feel better about my commitment to the environment
-I appreciate my food more
Consider making a few vegetarian dinners each week and see how well you sleep and how good you feel in the morning.

May You be EnRiched

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