Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ready for the Slopes?

I'm going to book my first snow vacation for the season. This trip I'm going to piggyback on my stepfather's Heli-boarding trip! I always like my body to be ready for such a different type of workout so I can make the most of my time on the slopes.

For downhill skiing and snowboarding the keys are strong legs and lungs. Here is a quick home program you can do 3 times a week that can help you get ready:

Circuit 1 (done with minimal rest between exercises):
Body weight squats x 15 reps
Wall sit x 30-120 seconds (depending on your abiility)
15 squat thrusts/Burpees
rest, repeat all 3 exercises

Circuit 2:
Walking Lunges x 15
Dead Lifts x 15
Lateral hops x 20(see for a description)
rest, repeat all 3 exercises

Circuit 3:
Bicycle sit-ups x 25 each side,
Push-ups x max (ok, it's not really super ski-specific but it's a great exercise for many other reasons:)
Mountain climbers x 30 seconds
rest, repeat all 3 exercises.

Finish with a 5+ minute stretch. Some of these exercises may be new to you and you may have to poke around online to find them. I am in the process of putting together some mini videos that will make following these types of programs easier. This 20-minute program is a great time investment for your trip. See you on the slopes!

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