Saturday, February 21, 2009

Obliquatory Training

Abs, Abs, Abs have always stolen the spotlight in core training. Sure, the abs play a role in keeping your midsection tight and if you get super ripped they can double as a washboard:) Here's your trivia question: what other core muscle does more work on your torso and plays a greater role in performance? Your obliques. You have 2 sets, internal and external obliques. They handle your handles on the sides of your midsection. When you twist, bend to the side and crunch you are engaging these valuable muscles. So here are a few exercises to add to your ab program. BTW, explaining how to do an exercise without a picture is nearly impossible so you might be better off googling any exercise that is unfamiliar to you:)

Bicycle sit-ups: from your back, lift your legs into a position as if you were in a chair. Clasp your hands behind your neck, crunch, and simultaneously swivel your right elbow and tuck in your right knee toward each other. 15-25 reps should be enough for a serious burn!

Standing Side Flexion: A classic exercise. From standing with soft knees, grab a light weight in your right hand and bend sideways, sliding your right hand down your right leg. Come up and go beyond straight and bend left with the weight. Repeat 15 times then do the same on the left side.

Woodchops: Do this in your MBTs for more benefit! Grab a light weight or medicine ball, spread your legs a bit wider than your shoulders with a slight bend in your legs. Take the medicine ball down to toward your left foot, then up and across your body toward the sky, so that your hands are now in the air lined up over your right foot. Take it slow-form is key to do this exercise safely.

When you see the results you will understand why I consider these exercises OBLIQUATORY!!!

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