Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Early Bird Gets the Burn!

People always ask me, “when is the best time of day to work out?” I recommend getting your exercise done in the morning. Not because of bio-rhythms or increased fat burning, but for the simple reason that you get it done.

Today was a perfect example of why I prefer to train in the morning. I was invited by one of my clients to go boating from 9:15-3. I thought maybe I’d hit the gym when we were done, but with a large group going I was not completely in charge of how the day would play out. So my girlfriend and I got up at 6:45 AM, got on our warm clothes and hopped on our bikes. The sun had just come up and the full moon was setting over Malibu. What a way to get going!

We biked for 90 minutes and had time to change and meet our friends at 9:15 AM. As anticipated, our 20-person group was a bit slow to organize and we did not motor out to sea until after 11. No worries for us, we had already taken care of our health needs. BTW, we also planned ahead with some fruits and healthy snacks to help offset the piles of cheese and other caloric finger food our hosts offered.

Our minds were free to enjoy the day, whale watch, hang with our friends and not have that nagging reminder in the back of our heads that we still had stuff to do. Healthy bodies and clear heads, that’s the winning combination!

1 comment:

  1. Exercise in the AM is great caffine substitue for me. Thaks for keep up the great example.
