Saturday, February 21, 2009

Walk. Talk. Connect.

I'm feeling great today! My girlfriend and I have been on morning walks 2 consecutive mornings with our MBTs. We walk along the strand in Hermosa Beach up to the Manhattan Beach Pier and back, about 4 miles. Not only are we getting great exercise that is easy on the joints, we use this time to catch up, plan our trips, make weekend arrangements and stay connected.

For our relationship our walking is quality time that we value. Without the distraction of a tv, movie, food, etc. we get to enjoy each other's company on a very personal way. We also do harder activities together, but we are so focused on the intensity of the workout that we cannot really chat. Walking is the perfect level of intensity, one that gets your body moving and allows for you to engage with your partner. And you don't have to push it. You can get the same calorie burning effects from a slow walk-it will just take you a little longer. So strap on your MBTs and get walking!

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